Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Your Love Never Fails

Well, first off I'd like to say I'm very excited to be working on my first Asbury short film with a crew full of talented people! When I took on this position of Location Scout, I was very excited and nervous all at the same time. I've definitely had my share of ups and downs though. I was very pleased with being able to secure the locations that we wanted until yesterday (Tuesday, Oct 26.) when I experienced a tremendous road block; Our main location for the film was unable to fulfill our request. The crazy part about it is we sang Your Love Never Fails in chapel with lyrics saying:
And when the oceans rage
I don't have to be afraid
Because I know that You love me
Your love never fails
I felt like I was battling an ocean mainly because the biggest location of all was not going to work out. Another problem would be that I would now need to contact other locations to see about using their facility for filming and if you know me at all-I'm extremely shy when I meet new people! I really don't like calling people I don't know either! Example: Ordering pizza... I don't call in an order, I either have to find someone to do it for me, or I order online :) This position has helped me gain some confidence when talking to new people and when I placed my trust in God, I was able to contact four different locations for filming-with three of them not answering-but it counts that I placed my fear aside and made a phone call! And I did receive a phone call back with great news! The woman I talked with on the phone sounded VERY promising for using the location!!!! God is so good and when we put our trust in Him-He'll never fail us!

1 Week to go Crew! We can do this!

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