Saturday, November 13, 2010

Props to us. . . literally.

The job of an art department is very vague. Therefore, we've done pretty much anything you can imagine.

This week has been fun. I had to create a fire escape route sign for the hospital sequence. They told me to pretty much do whatever. So I did. This may or may not have included adding the word "poop" to the men's restroom. It's really little and you can't see it unless you zoom in really close, but it's there.

Now the major issue at hand is creating Lycia's genetic file. Again, they are giving me absolute freedom here (besides a few specifics). Therefore, my sister is a genetic donor and bears the name of my high school Spanish teacher. Oh, it's a possibility that Jason Bourne is a genetic donor as well. This is getting fun.

Now for today. Because you guys all care.

I crawled out of bed this morning (as well as one can crawl out of a bunk bed), changed clothes, ate pudding, brushed my teeth, grabbed my bag, and left for Corbitt. We definitely rocked out on the road trip to our location, cranking up both techno and classic Disney music. We arrived on set, and we went to town.

Set-up girl's room, Lycia's make-up, set-up bathroom, Greek the toilet, cram food in our mouths, set-up boy's room, boy's make-up, Mom's make-up, Dad's make-up, set-up kitchen, little bit of down time, tear down girl's room, tear down bathroom, cram more food in our mouths, and now some more down time because they are filming the kitchen scene and it is taking. . . a long time.

Soon (I hope) we'll be tearing down the boy's room, then the kitchen, then we will eat cake, take a picture, and go home. But probably not for a couple hours.

I love filming.

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